Native Baha'i - Indigenous Baha'i -

A compilation of Native Baha'i photographs and information from the 1910's to our current history.
This site is mostly about Native Baha'is from the United States, Canada, Hawaii, and Alaska, but also welcomes information on other Indigenous Baha'is around the world.
Additional content will be frequently added, please keep checking back.
If anyone has suggestions, comments, advice, photographs or information please contact me at or
Paula Bidwell
"I trust in God that thy pure mind become reflective of light: thus
thou mayest become prepared for the divine manifestation
and attract the light of guidance from the Heavenly Star." - 'Abdu'l-Baha
Stuff I have to add so you can find me on the web.
Native American Baha’i history by Native American Tribes or Native American Nations. Native American Nations and Native American Tribes include those from Alaska as Athabascan Baha’i, Eskimo Baha’i, Yupik Baha’i, Inuit Baha’i, Aleut Baha’i, Haida Baha’i, Tlinget Baha’i, Yukon Baha’i, Tootootnay Baha’i, Tsimpshian Baha’i.
Native American Baha’i from the United States include Apache Baha’i, Aqua Caliente Baha’i, Arapaho Baha’i, Eastern Cherokee Baha’i, Western Cherokee Baha’i, Chetco Baha’i, Cheyenne, Baha’i, Chinook Baha’i, Chippewa Baha’i, Ojibwe Baha’i, Ojibwa Baha’i, Choctaw Baha’i, Chook Chansee Baha’i, Chukchansi Baha’i, Clallam Baha’i, Klallam Baha’i, S’Klallam Baha’i, Colville Baha’i, Comanche Baha’i, Creek Baha’i, Delaware Baha’i, Diegueno Baha’i, Kumeyaay Baha’i, Groven Baha’i, Gors Ventre Baha’i, Hesquiat Baha’i, Hopi Baha’i, Isletta Pueblo Baha’i, Jemez Pueblo Baha’i, Klamath Baha’i, Lummi Baha’i, Makah Baha’i, Neah Bay Baha’i, Mesquiat Baha’i, Mission Baha’i, Mohican Baha’i, Mohawk Baha’i, Mohegan Baha’i, Marengo-Tuteney Baha’i, Morongo Baha’i, Navajo Baha’i, Dine Baha’i, Dineh Baha’i, Narragansett Baha’i, Nez Perce Baha’i, Nisqually Baha’i, Red Lake Baha’i, Omaha Baha’i, Oneida Baha’i, Paiute Baha’i, Papago Baha’i, Tohono O’odham Baha’i, Passamaquaddy Baha’i, Pawnee Baha’i, Peigan Baha’i, Blackfoot Baha’i, Blackfeet Baha’i, Picuris Pueblo Baha’i, Pomo Baha’i, Potowatamie Baha’i, Potowatami Baha’i, Sac and Fox Baha’i, Sac-Fox Baha’i, Seminole Baha’i, Seneca Baha’i, SHoshone Baha’i, Sierra Baha’i, Sioux Baha’i, Lakota Baha’i, Dakota Baha’i, Taos Pueblo Baha’i, Teslin Baha’i, Tesuque Pueblo Baha’i, Tewa Baha’i, Tulalip Baha’i, Tuscarora Baha’i, Umatilla Baha’i, Ute Baha’i, Washoe Baha’i, Winnebago Baha’i, Ho-Chunk Baha’i, Yakima Baha’i, Yupik Bahai, Zia Pueblo Baha’i, and Zuni Baha’i, Hawaiian Baha'i.
Native Baha’i from Canada - First Nations Baha’i - Aborginial Baha’i include the following: Assiniboine Baha’i, Saskatchewan Baha’i, Blackfoot Baha’i, Peigan Baha’i, Piegan Baha’i, Chippewa Baha’i, Ojibwa Baha’i, Dogrib Baha’i, Hesquiat Baha’i, Kutchen Baha’i, Micmac Baha’i, Mi’Kmaq Baha’i, Mi’Kmaw Baha’i, Missisauga Baha’i, Mohawk Baha’i, Saulteaux Baha’i9/30/2016 3:36:20 PM, Squamish Baha’i, Stony Baha’i, and Cree Baha’i.
First Native American Baha’i of Alaska: Jim Schoppert - Tlingit, Agnes Parent - Athabascan, Charlie Roberts -Athabascan, Melba Call King - Yupik, James Wiilbur Walton - Tlinget, Joyce Rose Campbell Baldwin - Tsimpshian, Lyman and Rosie Curtis - Yavapai Apache, Nellie Jumper - Eastern Cherokee, Helen Henry - Choctaw, Betty Marie Hurst - Creek, Linda Cholas - Isletta Pueblo, Joseph Hillaire - Lummi, Alfred James Loft, Jimmy Loft, Jim Loft - Mohawk, Stephanie Fielding - Mohegan, Sadye Joe Vincenti - Navajo - Dine, Oliver La Farge - Narragansett, Mrs. Lee Fuhrman - Nez Perce, Mr. Freeman - Nez Perce, Mary Farley Stevison - Omaha, Marian Doxtater Steffes - Oneida, Marian Steffes - Oneida, Harry Sampson - Paiute, Herman Narcho - Papago, Ernestine Yarmale - Passamaquaddy, Dionesio Reos - Pomo, Edwin Gordan - Seneca, Richard Gordan - Seneca, David Gordan - Seneca, Mary Louise Swift Eagle - Sioux, Dakota, Tommy Martinez - Tesuque Pueblo, Kay Garland - Tuscarora, Billy Astor - Washoe, Pearl Astor - Washoe, Nipo Strongheart - Yakima, Owaleon Nash - Zuni, Charles Ryder - Assiniboione, Noel Wuttunee - Cree, Sam Bald Eagle Augustine - Micmac, Alfred james Loft - Mohawk, Samson Knowlton - Blackfoot Piegan, Harvey Iron Eagle - Saulteaux.